a drawing a day for january 2012
follow me while i make a pictorial diary by posting 'a drawing a day' on my blog throughout january. sketchbooks are an important tool to help develop ideas, exercise draftsmanship and bounce around concepts. inspiration could come from anywhere, so sign up and chart my progress. leave comments about your thoughts, you may even inspire my next creation...

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Saturday, 28 January 2012

day 28 - a good day sketching...

after the initial short poses, we all got stuck into the main study. wanted to try something loose and simple, always good to try new things at the BPG sessions... thanks go out to hazel for being such a great model - you may (or may not) recognise hazel from the back of my business card...

day 27 - you get the idea...

day 26 - yet some more...

day 25 - still catching up...

day 24 - playing catch up...

today was the first saturday of bath painting group's 2012 sessions, so thought it was the perfect opportunity to catch up with some sketching!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

day 23 - painting is finished...

i'm sure you all can forgive my recent distraction, and after the unexpected studio move i will be back into the swing of things tomorrow. very excited about the new space, it's small, but it's all mine... :)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

day 22 - not sketching, but painting...

... busily to prepare my new studio to move in at the end of the month! :)

Monday, 16 January 2012

day 16 - expressive lines...

i was instantly drawn to this image, what an expressive face. really enjoyed drawing this portrait, you can almost see the subject's life written in her features. hope i make it to such a grand age!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

day 15 - random face 4...

thought this guy had an interesting face, just a quick 10min sketch, but enough to get a feel for his features and hopefully capture him a little...

Saturday, 14 January 2012

day 14 - cathead part 1

have run out of time today, but want to finish this one a bit more...

day 13 - random face 3...

was away from my pc for a bit, but the sketching carried on...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

day 12 - random face 2...

did a seach on google and this woman's face caught my eye, seem to be doing a lot of over-the-shoulder looks at the moment...

Monday, 9 January 2012

day 9 - specs...

after a basic error (always check your boundaries first), i abandoned the drawing when i found myself squeezing in the left-hand side. tricky subject with funny angles, will try this one again...

Thursday, 5 January 2012

day 5 - madchester parrot...

... another random object from my room, i'm thinking 'guess who' d-list celeb might be next...

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

day 4 - the race is not to the swift...

i've started drawing random objects from my room - this a tortoise i picked up from the amazon - putting off the inevitable self-portrait for now...

Monday, 2 January 2012

day 2 - best foot forward...

i was fortunate enough to have a famous local foot-model to hand so couldn't waste the opportunity!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

a drawing a day for january 2012 follow me while i make a pictorial diary by posting 'a drawing a day' on my blog throughout january. sketchbooks are an important tool to help develop ideas, exercise draftsmanship and bounce around concepts. inspiration could come from anywhere, so sign up and chart my progress. leave comments about your thoughts, you may even inspire my next creation...

from small acorns...
happy new year!