a drawing a day for january 2012
follow me while i make a pictorial diary by posting 'a drawing a day' on my blog throughout january. sketchbooks are an important tool to help develop ideas, exercise draftsmanship and bounce around concepts. inspiration could come from anywhere, so sign up and chart my progress. leave comments about your thoughts, you may even inspire my next creation...

Monday, 2 January 2012

day 2 - best foot forward...

i was fortunate enough to have a famous local foot-model to hand so couldn't waste the opportunity!


  1. Very happy to see you started a blog and looking forward to your daily sketches! That might motivates me to sketch a bit more too... Great website to by the way! I predict a great painting year for 2012!

  2. Thanks Val, hope it does, as you've motivated me to do this! I think 2012 is going to be a good one :)
